Friends of the Medford Library Book Shop
The Friends of the Medford Library Book Shop offers a wide variety of titles and our inventory is changing all the time. We offer: children's books, crafts, cooking, gardening, spirituality, history, westerns, mysteries, biographies, art, science, all of your favorite fiction authors, CDs, and DVDs, and more. Stop by often to see what's new.
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Become a Member and Save
When you become a member of The Friends of the Medford Library you can save on purchases in the Book Shop. For every two books you purchase you will receive a third book free. You'll also be eligible for early entry at Friends Sale Events. Memberships are for a full year. Fees: Individual $10.00, Family $15.00 and Life $250. To become a member, just ask one of the volunteers in the Book Shop.
Visit Our Online Shop
Amazon: We have a large number of hard-to-find titles listed on our Amazon Book Shop.