Where Your Donations Have Gone:
How The Friends of the Medford Library Supports the Medford Library
- Children’s Library learning materials
- Children’s Library play equipment
- Garden areas, new plantings and maintenance
- Library decor, art, live plants
- Ukulele music program
- Library signage
- Summer Reading Program
- Winter Reading Program
- Teen programs: Book, Video, Game
- Take-and-Make Library programs
- Día de los ninos/Children’s Book Day
- Drive-up book drop boxes
- HDTV Display System inside the Library
- Library2Go download station
- Hispanic materials
- Teen Library video program
- Oregon Authors visits and lectures
- Guild Lecture Series
- Adult book groups
- Teen book groups
- Rogue Reads
- Multicultural Fair
- Mango Languages
- CASA programs
- Holiday events and decorations
- Hanging sidewalk flower baskets
- Library staff support
- Library of Things
- Fixtures and furniture
- Portable chargers
- Storytelling Guild